Aleksander Mežek — Invisible Man — Tekst

Aleksander MežekInvisible Man

Broj otvaranja: 2215

I'm an invisible man

I have no country
I have no friend
I stand on corners
With a held out hand
I live off kindness
I don't pretend
I don't expect you
To understand

I'm an invisible man

I'm just a number
In someone's book
And no one gives me
A second look
I wait for angels
A cup of tea
A passing stranger
To notice me

I'm an invisible man

Here I am
Look at me
Say hallo
Stay for tea
Here I am
Ask my name
Ask me why
A held out hand

I'm an invisible man

For me tomorrow
Is where I stand
Where I will offer
My open hand
I'm only twenty
And so much more
I have my doorway
My concrete floor

I'm an invisible man

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