Aleksander Mežek — This Old Boat — Tekst

Aleksander MežekThis Old Boat

Broj otvaranja: 2348

This old boat
Goes on sailing
Through the oceans
Of the sky
This old boat
Has no anchor
Sees no harbour
From it's bow
For the sailors
And the people
Killed the captain
Of a drifting boat
Now they wonder
Where they're bound to
They've got no-one
That could help them out

This old boat
It just don't listen
To the captain
Calling to his crew
This old boat
She is in for
A surprise
Out of the blue
For when the sailors
And the people
Sent their captain
For a deep-sea stroll
They forgot
That you can sink the body
But you cannot
Drown a soul

We are all
My brothers and my sisters
On this boat
We are all
My brothers and my sisters
On this boat
We are all
My brothers and my sisters
On this boat
The boat is a-drifting
And nobody's a-listening
And this is the reason why.

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