Ivan Šegedin — Korcula Is The Pearl Of The Se — Tekst

Ivan ŠegedinKorcula Is The Pearl Of The Se

Broj otvaranja: 1817

my island is white as a ship at sea.
for centuries it' s sailed ever further and further.
waves strike it, rain and storm.
though it surrenders never to anybody.
if there were no song it would not exist.
he who sees not it sees not the land.
passenger of the night , you mariner of old.
we are bound by the same sea over the centuries.

my inlets of korcula,
from tri porta to lumbarda.
beautiful shores facing the open sea,
korcula is the pearl of the sea.
my bays of korcula,
pine and olive groves.
old wine in the tavern,
this is my homeland.

Autor glazbe i teksta: Ivan Šegedin

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