Shaban Delmas — Shaban Delmas — Tekst

Shaban DelmasShaban Delmas

Broj otvaranja: 1825

I've known you for sometime now sir
And it's not easy
And I'm not sorry
Sometimes I can remember how
upon our father's shoulders
we used to see you
In your black cars
In the days of fallies and fireworks
Those were the days
Then - I could easily cry
And now (still)
when a match is on
Something grips me
And brings back those days (times)
collective SCH
General (public) daze (drunkenness)
And I say Onward you blues

I never liked you
Never had anything in common with you
You were never my brother
And that's why

Hitler will rot
I will rot
Stalin will rot
You will rot
The bitch will rot
And so will the ass
Shaban will rot

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